Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 23

Saturday, 24/07

The Day of Rest, well more like the weekend. Not much happened, except for sleeping, eating, sleeping, I think I did some homework and Facebook.

No report.

1 comment:

  1. It helps when you feel very comfortable with the area. Does it feel similar to home? How is access to the ocean? I'm doing some research of personal interest. Antique bottle collecting used to be a fun hobby but the hobbyists seem to destroy construction plans. I found a good article of such an incident in NZ where hobby bottle collectors pre-empted some archaeologists from doing their research on historical settlement of the area. Have you heard of Heiau related stuff there? Have the Maori totally "discarded" heiau from their culture? My second interest was on the NZ Navy as a retired veteran. You tube has a clip of a Naval unit "breaking" or performing a Hakka. The unit broke Paheka protocol. As I noticed that some of the female personnel possibly lower ranked immediately assumed positions of "leader" as shown by their strutting instead of performing. Paheka personnel performed Hakka but 2 or 3 of the Maori did that roaming strut routine probably showing their connection to bloodline leadership, but to the uninitiated(me) appeared disheveled. Nuff! The good bottle finding areas are called "milk or dairy stations", or "stations" instead of pasture.
