Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Aotearoa Day 6

So I was reminded to do my blog. I was actually gonna go sleep, but by request or more like a demand, here is my blog. I don't wanna disappoint my readers! LOL! No name such be released due to confidentiality.

Anyways it's Wednesday. I woke up late because of an awesome night with food, talk and dessert. It was the first full real dinner I ever had since being here. So I woke up at 9:30am and I missed my usually breakfast, my hot coco and peanut butter sandwich. All wells, there's always tomorrow morning and the morning after that, pretty much every morning. So we had an international student orientation at 10:00am at the Management School. This university is awesome, all their buildings are nice, clean and well managed! UHM needs to step up! So the orientation was good and informational like any other informational meeting. A little to long, but lunch was good! Wished had more though. Pretty much they covered about important school related stuff, being an international student or more like an immigrant! To services around school, traveling around NZ and the many awesome activities and sight seeing things to do. After that, went back to see my advisor to drop my Geog paper so I could take the Kapa Haka class with my friend. So be really awesome!

Anyways, UHM needs to really kick it up, more then a notch. UHM could really do better with international services, building management and the list goes on and on. By the end of this semester I'm pretty sure I can come up with a recommendation to the UH and the things that needs improvement and things that needs to be established! I really wouldn't mind living here to get my degree, only cuz it takes like 3 years to get your BA. I also heard it is faster to obtain your PhD because you don't have to teach or something and also take classes, it is pure research! I keep hearing on how they are trying to make UHM the worlds leading indigenous university, but they are far from it. Not even close to what Waikato has.

Anyways this is my blog, not much happening. Yet! Hopefully it will be fun tomorrow. Probably do some sight seeing so more pictures soon!


  1. ooh wee ouch, ouch, ouch.

  2. Please don't compare UH with NZ Schools. Remember they are ahead of Hawaii in time zone.
    Besides, the people of Hawaii are relaxed, and are not ahead of the Posse. What Ever.
    I the just got home from a meeting and QLCC and
    one of the staff workers asked about you.
    By the way I with the help of Uncle Bobby have a
    flag flying in the front yard. It made me so
    happy to enjoy Admission Day Hawaiian style.
    Will answer you comments 2-2

  3. haha sorry tutu but thats pretty much wat im focusing on my education is the comparison of education between hawaiians and maori. oh yea i think i told someone that i was heading off to aotearoa for school
