Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 22: 2nd Week Pau

Friday, 23/07

It's my weekend!!! No class! I didn't wake up till 11:30am! Woke and jus waited until lunch was served. Ate lunch and I am out! Headed to town, bought some clothes and new running shoes! Yeaps, cuz I am gonna go hit up the gym. Gotta go and buy a membership. Went to check out Kmart, The Warehouse and then the Shoe Store. So my shoes cost about $57 NZD, that's probably about $40 USD. Headed back to school and bought some stuff at Benetts Bookstore. Needed something to hang up my Hawaiian flag. Went to the library to put money on my student id card so I could use it for printing and copying. That is about it.


  1. Glad to hear that you are doing things. Your Mom antie Pu and I were talking about things worth doing in NZ. At one point in time wasn't green stone something you could pick up off of the ground? Or at least around a quarry before it became valuable? I am concluding that showing the Hawaiian Flag with its English Colonial part may be a little disparaging/embarrasing on the Hawaiians, no? In defense of the opposing side, The short relationship between the Hawaiians and the British was somewhat honorable given the relationship between Liliuokalani and Victoria but had our relationship gone on any longer and possibly would have experienced warfare as with the Maoris. Main thing is that you find enjoyment in what you do.

  2. My apologies for continuously writing. I know that once a day or week is adequate enougn. Any- ways, Hawaii's relationship with GB, aka the Empire was short cordial and friendly. If you look into all relationships with colonies within the Empire, it was "frankly bloody". India, Zulu of Africa, Pakistan. Hawaii came out bloodless. Which is why the belief that we are under protection of the Holy Spirit/Christ. More later.

  3. From what I learned about the greenstone, it was given value to after the British and settlers started to recognize it. I don't think it was common everywhere. I don't think the Hawaiian flag would be an embarasment. Actually, Hawaiʻi and the British had a long and strong relationship. Hawaiʻi was more influenced by British customs then American. I believed that the relationship with the British started with Kamehameha I. Nah, It was different with the Maori. No problem Uncle.

    Another thing that I learned from my Treaty of Waitangi class, is that, that is how human nature is, regardless of race or nationality.
