Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day 50: Tangihanga 2

Friday, 20/8/10

Since I have no classes on Fridays, I wanted to attend the tangihanga again. Didn't have a ride, so it was pretty much up in the air. But Aunty Sandy told me that Aunty Thea was heading there, and so I went with them. Haha back to Huntly to Ohaki marae. This time, there were choke people there! They had a program set and it was the day for the burial. The wharenui was already filled and so everyone else were standing outside. It was another colder day with rain. Stood outside by the wharekai for about 3+ hours. The program finished and then as they were about to bring them out, sorry I forgot to mention there were 2 people. Everyone lined outside in 2 lines on each side to watch as they would carry them out into the funeral car. As they were walking towards the car, a guy with his taiaha (spear) did a haka, part of their protocol. Followed by those carrying them in the caskets are the whanau. Was planning to head to the burial sight, but was tired, cold and raining. Enjoyed some awesome kai with Aunty Thea and her son. They live not to far from Uni in a nice and pretty quiet place. Māori people has retained many of their cultural protocols, especially because of their marae. Many ask me of our cultural protocols, such as something like the tangihanga.

I haven't the slightest idea. My response to them, we as Hawaiians have lost many of our cultural protocols. Many of our kupuna choose not to pass them on. We have our funerals in churches or mortuaries. Had many discussions with Aunty Thea regarding many Hawaiian things such as ʻaumakua, Kamehameha Schools, QLCC and etc.

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