Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 36: Rushing to Rotorua

Friday, 6/08/10

So I didn’t really finish my paper last night. So I woke up around 9:00am to finish it. I needed to turn it in by 4:00pm, but my bus departs at 2:55pm. So worked on it and finished it in 3 hours. I hope I did it good and it was aurite. Printed it out, dropped it office at the office, went to the bookstore to buy my study guide and booked back to my room, it was 1pm. Came to my room and started to just grab and pack, didn’t wanna take to much cuz I knew I was going to come back with more stuff. Haha, thats why I try to pack light! That’s part of being a “backpacker”. Anyways, thought I might be late or what not, headed down to the pick up around 2:30ish pm. Didn’t eat breakfast or lunch, thought I go eat some sushi, but got one bento. ʻOno nō!!! Met up with Logan and Kailee at the bustop to wait for the Nakedbus. My fare was $13NZD for one way. Pretty good. Waiting and waiting, the bus didn’t come till almost 3:30pm. So late!!! Anyways, boarded and off to Rotorua!!!

Arrived in Rotorua around 4:45pm. It’s been raining for the past couple days. Got instructions to our hostel, Crash Palace. Rated pretty good. So I got my own room, paid $40NZD per night. Pretty cool place, the people there were cool. Checked it and told dinner is at 6:30pm. YUM!!! So we got quickly settled in and was out the door. We went to the Polynesian Spa! Haha, was pretty cool. Paid $40NZD something for a private spa for 30mins. So we had our own spa and a nice view of the area. Took some pictures. Then we was out, walk around the spa and there were CHOKE Japanese! HAHA lol. Headed back to the hostel and cuz I only brought shoes, I walk um barefeet. CHEE!!! Small lounge area with a pool table, a bunch of chairs and couches with a tv, a small dinning area and a small room with couple computers to go on the internet. A bunch of people around, cuz they traveling as well. Dinner was servered!!! Awesome, eat spagetthi!!! Was soo good, wished I ate more! Oh yea there is also 2 kitchens as well with cooking stuff and plates, stove, refrigerator and a hot jacuzzi. After that, went out to the town area to walk around. Been raining off and on lately. Came back to Crash Palace and played some Wi sports with Logan.

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