Saturday, September 4, 2010

Day 57: Te Huinga Tauira 2

Friday, 27/8/2010
Took awhile to wake up this morning. Woke up about 8:45am. Went to have breakfast, eggs, toast and a banana. We woke up late, got ready late and the program for today started. We had to go to Parliament for guest speakers. Headed into town, passed by many buildings and Te Papa Museum. I am hoping to see if I can go there if time permits. Arrived at Parliament, cool place and how the buildings were constructed. Had to go through security at the Beehive. That's what they call it, cuz that is how it's built. It is where Parliaments offices are. Listened to the guest speakers. First each roopū had at least 5min presentation of what they have done, tips and advice. Took some really good notes. Then there were 2 other guest speakers that were invited, but didn't really fit into the interests of the conference. Sustainability, yea maybe but recruiting volunteers for the 2011 National Rugby World Cup.
After the guest speakers, took pictures of the parliament buildings. Different buildings, structured different in different time periods. The first one, is the older one on the far left, part of it got burnt down. The second one is the middle one where parliament meets. The third one is the Beehive, where their offices are located. Headed back to the marae for lunch, ate soup with bread and butter. ʻOno!!! I really liked the soup, cuz the weathers been cold. It was so good, nice and warm. Apparently, at every eating, there is always bread and butter on the table. The butter here is real and tastes better than back home. Had a quick rest and we had to practice and finalize our kapa haka for tonight. Got ready to head out for tonights manu kōrero (speeches). I dressed casual thinking we were coming back to change for kapa haka, nope! I didn't have my polo shirt. Shot Kaleb for having an extra one! The manu kōrero had 2 sections, English and then Māori. Just informal speeches on random topics. After that, then it was time to get ready for kapa haka! Didn't get to see everyone perform, certain roopū were called to have one final practice and finalize things. Getting real nervous as our time draws nearer to the stage. Finally on stage behind the closed curtains and start to get real nervous! Haven't performed in a long time, especially doing kapa haka. We began and just tried to keep it cool, remembering what to do, smile, sing and do the motions! We did an awesome job! I wished we could of done it again. Haha, it was really fun! I wouldn't mind joining a kapa haka back home :) Got to watch couple other roopū, they were also awesome with their haka, waiata, waiata-ā-ringa and etc. Tonight, was another night back at the hall they rented. Started to feel a headache coming on, haha forgot to take my meds. Too much on the go and trying to stick to the schedule. Dropped of everybody and had a feed with Kaleb and Jackie at McDonalds. Came back to the marae and straight to sleep!

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